Today's Board Meeting at 6 pm can be attended in person. We are also going to live stream the meeting via Zoom. https://jcisd-org.zoom.us/j/86723870575?pwd=a3dLU01nMXNJMmxXUzA5aDZSdlVHUT09

Today is 2nd grade, we finished our story titled "How Many Seeds in a Pumpkin?" by Margaret McNamara! We predicted and actually counted how many seeds were in our 4 pumpkins! What a blast!!

To receive full funding from the State, every school district must periodically ask their voters to restore their Non-homestead millage. This is not a tax increase and is only applied to non-homesteaded properties. https://www.vandyschools.org/article/313635?org=vandercook-lake

Voter information on this November's Headlee Override non-homestead millage renewal. https://www.vandyschools.org/article/313635?org=vandercook-lake #BeleiveAchieveSOAR!

Thank you Mr.Tello for all of your hard work planting mums at Townsend! They look beautiful!

Attention Vandercook Lake MS/HS families!

Vandercook Lake's next board meeting will be Monday, October 12th. The meeting will take place in our high school media center and will start at 6 pm. Anyone planning to attend the meeting will be required to wear a face covering. #BelieveAchieveSOAR!

Young fives exploring apples! Sorting graphing, counting, language books, and of course tasting!! Yummy applesauce!!

A letter to our community. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ADGA3bim3Qhg_Yyg_dqnMdZigBvGXlELXK2M5hmMFH0/edit?usp=drivesdk

Fifth graders presenting their European explorers project.

Townsend JFM Food Bag Information

Volleyball honors their senior players before taking Grass Lake in 4 sets. https://www.mlive.com/highschoolsports/2020/09/vandercook-lake-volleyball-celebrates-emotional-senior-night-with-win-over-grass-lake.html


Informational flyer on our non-homestead millage proposal that will be on the November 3rd ballot: https://drive.google.com/file/d/162o5Dvt-GOYW9V838oi6-01K1_ybOug-/view?usp=drivesdk

On November 3rd, VCL will be asking voters to renew a Headlee Override Millage. The millage must be renewed every 5 years and was last renewed in 2015. This is NOT a new millage and will NOT raise your taxes. Click the link for the proposal's FAQs document. https://bit.ly/3mQsYlI

An important message in regards to a reported case of COVID-19 within our community.

May we never forget the events that took place 19 years ago.

Jayhawk Nation: starting Wednesday, September 23rd, students will be released early on Wednesdays. Wednesday released times will be 12 noon at the Middle/High School and 1 pm at Townsend Elementary.

Login information for the upcoming regularly scheduled Monday, September 14th Board of Education meeting: https://jcisd-org.zoom.us/j/86980963211?pwd=WFZNRUpmbjljQmY4Q0VMVE5GR2ZWUT09

For questions, please call Mrs. Casto at 517-867-6252! ☺️