Congratulations to our October Students of the Month! Keep SOARing kids!

Townsend Weekly Announcements:

Townsend birthday winners!

Reminder that Townsend dismisses today (Wednesday) at 2:08pm. Thank you

Boys' basket ball open gym tonight (Wednesday) from 6:15- 7:15 tonight! Grades 3rd-6th.

Townsend families: I forgot to add on my weekly announcements that it's UM/State Day is this Friday!! Show your love for your favorite team!

Townsend Weekly Announcements:

Townsend families: reminder that we dismiss today (Friday) at 11:55am. Please be on time for pickup. Thank you.

Parents of bus 2- a student was reported to have brought a pocket knife on the bus. It was immediately confiscated and it is currently being investigated. There was no immediate threat to students.

Townsend Weekly Announcements:

Townsend Weekly Announcements:

Reminder that tomorrow (Friday) is popcorn Friday! It's .50 per bag!

Reminder that tomorrow (Wednesday) is Picture Day at Townsend!

Congratulations to our Sept students of the month!!

We have 1 toddler spot available!

It's this week!!!! Can't wait to see you all there!

Weekly Announcements
Good Evening, Jayhawk families,
Friday is Popcorn day! $0.50 a bag!
Mark your calendars! Sept 27 from 5-7pm is our Fall Festival! Games, treats and so much more!
Go Jayhawks!

Birthday Claw winners!

Reminder that Townsend dismisses at 2:08. Please be on time if you're picking your child up. Thank you

What a WONDERFUL turnout for Grandparents' Day!!!! Thank you so much!