The lunch buses are loading up and getting ready to deliver the food. Proud to be a Jayhawk! #BelieveAchieveSOAR!

Vandercook Lake Schools will be offering free breakfast and lunches on M/W/F for all individuals 18 and under. Meals can be picked up at the HS from Noon to 1 pm. Bus Hub location and time information can be found within the attached document. Go Jayhawks!

Jayhawk Nation,
In accordance with today's MDHHS Emergency Order, Vandercook Lake High School students (9-12) will continue with remote learning until Tuesday, December 8, 2020. All athletic practices and games (6-12) have been suspended during this time frame.
Remote learning for Townsend Elementary (PreK-6) and Vandercook Lake Middle School (7-8) students will be extended at least until Monday, November 30, 2020.
In the near future, our district will restart offering meals for pick-up. Specific details including dates, times, and locations will be announced in the next couple of days.
Stay strong Jayhawks and Mask Up!

An important message to our community.

Important information for anyone in need of extra help:

Vandercook Lake Public Schools would like to thank our Veterans who have served to protect and defend our great Nation.

50th day of school fun! Poodle skirts, bubblegum blowing contest, and carrying on Ms. Stapley's tradition of having rootbeer floats!

Vandercook Lake Public Schools are temporarily shifting to all remote learning effective Wednesday, November 11th.

Login information for the upcoming regularly scheduled Monday, November 9th Board of Education meeting: https://jcisd-org.zoom.us/j/85193894824?pwd=ZUdBVit2Mk84bkkrRnBWbFNPOUdtQT09

Login informaiton for tonight's regularly scheduled Monday, November 9th Board of Education meeting: https://jcisd-org.zoom.us/j/85193894824?pwd=ZUdBVit2Mk84bkkrRnBWbFNPOUdtQT09

Please remember to vote today. A 'yes' vote will ensure that our schools receive the full per-pupil amount from the State. A 'yes' vote is a 5 year extension on our Non-homestead mil and doesn't apply to primary homes! #BelieveAchieveSOAR!

Jayhawk Nation: please remember to vote this Tuesday. Vandercook Lake has a Headlee Override Non-homestead Millage Renewal on the battot. For FAQs visit https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gLtbYWqUWwJt97X82ZvbbHOIM5EJNRMax477x3dU1OQ/edit?usp=sharing . Go Jayhawks!

Townsend Staff enjoyed the Halloween fun! Check out Cruella Deville (Ms. Stanley) and all of her Dalmatians!
Have a safe Halloween, everyone!

The 6th grade team is having a sweet year!

Please remember to vote on the Non-homestead Millage Renewal proposal that is on this year's ballot. A 'yes' vote will ensure FULL per-pupil funding for the next 5 years. The millage does not increase a homeowner's taxes. Go to www.vandyschools.org for more details.

Please remember to vote on November 3rd. We have a Non-homestead Millage Renewal proposal on the ballot. The proposal ensures that we receive the full per-pupil amount from the State. https://www.vandyschools.org/article/313635?org=vandercook-lake

Due to electrical issues, Vandercook Lake Schools are canceling all in-person instruction for Friday, October sixteenth. Students who are able to participate remotely are expected to do so on Friday. Foodservice for Friday through the weekend will not be available.

A HUGE thank you to Lowes for donating 50 boxes of N95 face masks to our school district! Thank you for keeping our students safe!

A HUGE shoutout to Lowes for donating 50 boxes of M95 masks to our school district! Thank you for helping us keep our students safe!

Voting 'Yes' on the November Non-homestead renewal proposal will ensure that our district receives the full per-pupil amount from the State. This DOES NOT impact taxes on a homeowner's primary residence. https://www.vandyschools.org/article/313635?org=vandercook-lake