Wishing everyone in the Jayhawk Nation a Merry Christmas.

Out with the old, in with the new. Thanks again to Mr. Penoff for his generous donation.

A friendly reminder that free breakfast/lunch meals are available today only. Pick ups at the high school are from Noon - 1 pm. Neighborhood delivery times may vary slightly. Supplies are limited. First come, first served.

Wishing everyone in the Jayhawk Nation a Happy Holiday Season. Go Jayhawks! #BelieveAchieveSOAR!

Crazy holiday socks day in Mrs. Johnson's class!!!

Hey Jayhawks! Just a quick reminder that our kitchen staff will be handing out boxes containing a week's worth of food on Monday December 21st and Monday December 28th from 12pm-1pm in our HS circle drive!

Important changes to our free breakfast/lunch program over Winter Break.
Who: Any individual 18 years or younger
What: A week’s worth of free breakfast/lunch items per person (while supplies last!)
Where: Vandercook Lake High School or currently established neighborhood stops
When: Monday, December 21st and 28th. Pick up at the high school will be between Noon and 1 pm. Neighborhood bus stop times will vary.
Why: Because we care!
We revert back to our traditional M/W/F schedule on Monday, January 4th, 2021.

Show me your holiday bling in Mrs. Johnson's class!!!

Holiday cheer being spread by Mrs. Johnson's class!!!

Mrs. Johnson's kiddos getting in some holiday cheer with their hats and headbands!!!

Removing the old bleachers from the high school gym. Thanks to the generous donation from Mr. Peter Penoff, we should have our new bleachers in place when we return from winter break! #BelieveAchieveSOAR!

Login information for the upcoming regularly scheduled Monday, December 14th Board of Education meeting: https://jcisd-org.zoom.us/j/84443207368?pwd=VjRrZG01Sy9HSjRGM0JBVFlPK3FhQT09 . The meeting starts at 6 pm.

Instruction for all grades (PreK-12) will be conducted remotely until Monday, January 11, 2021. https://bit.ly/2L0GJj5

Wishing everyone in the Jayhawk Nation a Happy Thanksgiving Day! Go Jayhawks! #BelieveAchieveSOAR!

JFM backpacks will resume when students return to in person learning. Until that time be sure to pick up meals available at the MS/HS circle drive or one of our bus delivery locations. Stay safe Jayhawks and have a great Thanksgiving!

Congratulations to our own Ms. Stanley for bring featured on MEMSPA Minute Spotlight. Well deserved! #BelieveAchieveSOAR! https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10224233622173454&id=1389594948

Instruction for grades K-12 will be conducted remotely until Wednesday, December 9th.

Room 409 has a lot to be thankful for! In our zoom meeting today we all shared what we are thankful for. What are you thankful for? Please share!

Thank you to everyone who helped to make our new remote learning lunch program a success! Just a reminder that next week will be different for pickup/dropoff as it is a holiday week. On Monday November 23, breakfast and lunch will be provided for Monday and Tuesday. On Tuesday November 24, breakfast and lunch will be provided for the 5 following days as we will be on holiday break until the following Monday, November 30. Again, for any questions please feel free to contact your student's school building. Stay safe Jayhawks!

Today, as our hard working teaching/paraprofessional crew work with our students on curriculum, our hard working support staff (food service/bus drivers/secretaries) provide meals to our community. 170 meals served today. Let's double that number on Friday! Proud to be a Jayhawk!