A friendly reminder that Vandercook Lake Public Schools will be remote only today in order to allow staff the opportunity to receive their second round of shots for the COVID-19 vaccination.

Congratulations Townsend Positive Behavior Winners!

Due to the snow day on Friday, our 100th Day of School will be on Tuesday :)

Vandercook Lake Public Schools will be closed Friday, February 5th due to inclement weather. The Nest Daycare at Townsend Elementary is also closed.

Login information for next week's regularly scheduled Board of Education meeting on February 8, 2021. https://jcisd-org.zoom.us/j/87547594322?pwd=d2JFTDU0amt2bG1pTjZaY1FRZXJBUT09
Meeting ID: 875 4759 4322
Passcode: 666895
The meeting starts at 6 pm.

Mr Smith’s kindergarten students love building and playing!

Information about free meals to those in need.

Income cap has been lifted for this year! All families qualify!

Vandy Schools would like to thank @MonsterMotorsmi for their generous cash donation that will be used to subsidize the technology costs our staff have incurred while working to provide instruction to our students during the COVID-19 pandemic.

We have “SNOW” much fun in the 5th/6th wing.

We couldn’t agree more! Nice job second grade!

Wishing everyone in the Jayhawk Nation, a safe and peaceful Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday. #BelieveAchieveSOAR!

Congratulations to our PBIS winners this week! Keep SOARING Junior Jayhawks!

Vandercook Lake announces remote-only learning days for Jan. 21st and Feb. 11th.

Login information for the upcoming regularly scheduled Monday, January 11th Board of Education meeting:. https://jcisd-org.zoom.us/j/86789573042?pwd=bkl3Tll1dGhuMFVoR2tmWHd3ejJXZz09 . The meeting starts at 6pm.

Preschool Openings!

Need extra help with school work? Tutoring is back at JFM Church! Please see the flyer for details!

Wishing everyone in the Jayhawk Nation a Happy New Year! Be safe Jayhawks! #BelieveAchieveSOAR!

The new bleachers are looking great. #BelieveAchieveSOAR!

A friendly reminder that free breakfast/lunch meals are available today only. Pick ups at the high school are from Noon - 1 pm. Neighborhood delivery times may vary slightly. Supplies are limited. First come, first served.