Happy 100th Day of School Jayhawk Nation. #BelieveAchieveSOAR!
about 5 years ago, Vandercook Lake Public Schools
100th day celebration banner
It's never too young to learn how to bowl. What an awesome physical education class! #BelieveAchieveSOAR!
about 5 years ago, Scott Leach
fun in Mr. Snyder's class
Townsend's PBIS weekly winners collecting their reward. Great job Junior Jayhawks, keep up the great effort! #BelieveAchieveSOAR!
about 5 years ago, Scott Leach
PBIS winners waiting in line
Our library got a little more inviting! Thanks to Wendy Tripp for all her creativity and hard work!
about 5 years ago, Jamie Stanley
A friendly reminder that our next Parent Advisory Committee meeting will be held tonight in the high school media center. The meeting starts at 5:30 pm and is open to all. Updates from both buildings will be discussed. #BelieveAchieveSOAR!
about 5 years ago, Scott Leach
Tonight's middle school wrestling meet has been cancelled. We will wrestle Grass Lake at HOME on Thursday January 30 @ 4:30pm
about 5 years ago, Amanda Curtis
Mrs. Osypczuk’s Classroom working on circle activities!
about 5 years ago, Shelley Mannor
Circle Fun!
Circle fun!
This week’s staff “spotlight” is our own Terri Siegrist. She is one of our amazing 4th grade teachers and has taught at Townsend for 21 years. She has 3 sons, 1 daughter and 7 grandchildren. She has an adventurous side and has climbed an active volcano to see the red lava! Her favorite thing about Townsend is “the people I’ve met and got to know; the coworkers, students and families”.
about 5 years ago, Jamie Stanley
Students in Mrs. Smith’s Young Five class learned the letter I in Antarctica this week! Predicting and measuring with ice skating penguins, ice cream milk shakes, and igloos!
about 5 years ago, Danielle Casto
Our next Parent Advisory Committee meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 28th in our high school media center and will start at 5:30 pm. We will be discussing updates on activities going on in both buildings and in the district.  The meeting is open to all, so please join us. 
about 5 years ago, Vandercook Lake Public Schools
Vandy nation is bursting with pride over our 5th grade classroom spelling bee champs!! Way to make Townsend proud!
about 5 years ago, Jamie Stanley
5th grade
Pink & Purple is almost here!!!! This year you can win one of these BRAND NEW items! Tickets are $1 each through February 6th, and on February 7th they will be 3 for $5. Buy them today from Ms. Schweda!
about 5 years ago, Amanda Curtis
raffle items
raffle items 2
This week’s staff “spotlight” at Townsend is our 3rd grade teacher, Beth Jones. She has taught at Townsend for 15 years. She is married with 2 kids that are both at college. While she has an adventurous side (she’s been white water rafting and jumped out of an airplane), her true passion is for her students. Her favorite thing is “the students and how we help them grow”. We are blessed to have her on our staff!!
about 5 years ago, Jamie Stanley
Mrs. Jones
Wishing everyone in the Jayhawk Nation a reflective and inspiring Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. #BelieveAchieveSOAR!
about 5 years ago, Vandercook Lake Public Schools
MLK Quote
Mrs. Smith’s class working on winter writing, math and science! Making predictions and participating in experiments! What fun!
about 5 years ago, Danielle Casto
Young fives
Young fives
Young fives
Young 5s
Staff “Spotlight” on Mrs. Johnson! She is one of Townsend’s 2nd grade teacher this year. She has taught at Townsend for 14 years and her favorite thing about working at our school is “working with a phenomenal staff and participate in all of the fun events and activities the school offers our kids and families.” She is married with 3 boys and she’s a huge Wizard if Oz fan! She is one of our talented staff that we would like to spotlight this week!
about 5 years ago, Jamie Stanley
Mrs. Johnson
Students in Mr. Spaan’s class were hard at work playing KAHOOT practicing double digit multiplication!! It was so much fun!
about 5 years ago, Jamie Stanley
Friday flashlight writing fun!
about 5 years ago, Andrea Sharp
Friday flashlight fun!
Our first graders experimented with shadows this week in science.
about 5 years ago, Andrea Sharp
Ahadow fun!
The office had an unofficial “Twin Day” today at Townsend!
about 5 years ago, Jamie Stanley