Mrs. Smith’s Young 5s class went on an archeological dig! They learned words such as herbivore, carnivore, omnivore, mammal and oviparous! Oh, they had a little fun too:)
about 5 years ago, Jamie Stanley
It’s the time of year that’s almost more exciting than the holidays!! Kindergarten Round Up!! Spread the word that Townsend is the place to bring your child! It’s a place where they will have so much fun, learn amazing things, and be cared for by everyone at school! Please call the front office for more information! Let’s make this the BEST ROUNDUP YET!
about 5 years ago, Jamie Stanley
Let’s go!
This week’s staff “spotlight” is our own Elise Fish. She is one of our 4th grade teachers and has taught at Townsend for 23 years! She is married and has 2 grown kids. She spends her winters as a ski instructor up north. Her favorite thing about Townsend is “the close-knit community that all take care of one another”. We couldn’t agree more!
about 5 years ago, Jamie Stanley
Miss Waite’s class using what they’ve learned this year to solve some pretty sweet problems !
about 5 years ago, Shelley Mannor
Sweet math!
Sweet math!
Sweet math!
Sweet math!
Just a reminder.... Tuesday is the day!
about 5 years ago, Jamie Stanley
Townsend’s Valentine’s Dance has been rescheduled for Tuesday, February 11 from 6-7:30.
about 5 years ago, Jamie Stanley
Vandercook Lake Public Schools will be closed today, Thursday, February 6th due to inclement weather.
about 5 years ago, Scott Leach
We are so proud of our 5th graders who participated in our school spelling bee today. They displayed incredible sportsmanship, courage while facing a large crowd and spelling difficult words, and pride in sharing their knowledge of words. Congratulations to each of them!!! Our Champion is Bradley Gorzen and our Runner-Up is Kaitlynn Strawser. Good luck to Bradley at the county spelling bee on March 11th.
about 5 years ago, Heather Swaenepoel
All competitors
Thanks to a generous grant through John George Foundation, our 3rd grade students can now take writing and note taking to a whole new digit level using Rocketbooks! They are bursting with new ideas!
about 5 years ago, Jamie Stanley
3rd graders
The big family dance is this Thursday!!!
about 5 years ago, Jamie Stanley
Ms. Blair and Curtis take a moment to talk about this Friday's Pink & Purple games. #BelieveAchieveSOAR!
about 5 years ago, Vandercook Lake Public Schools
The groundhog didn’t see his shadow so Mr. Smith’s class is hoping for an early Spring!
about 5 years ago, Shelley Mannor
Little groundhogs!
This week’s staff “spotlight” is on our own Sarah Heavey! She is one of our fantastic para professionals that work tirelessly for the students. She’s been at Townsend for 2 years now. She is married and has 2 “fabulous” daughters (as well as one dog, one cat, and one ferret). Her favorite thing about Townsend are “the great kids”. We are lucky to have her.
about 5 years ago, Jamie Stanley
Mrs heavey
Kids have great ideas for why they love our school!
about 5 years ago, Jamie Stanley
Teamwork with 100 piece puzzles!
about 5 years ago, Joy Johnson
Puzzle makers
Puzzle makers
Puzzle makers!
Puzzle makers
More 100 day fun!
about 5 years ago, Shelley Mannor
100s day fun!
100s day fun!
100s day fun!
100s day!
How many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie roll center? Can you chew a Starburst 100 chews before it gets swallowed? What can you build with 100 blocks? So much fun for the 100th day of school!!!
about 5 years ago, Joy Johnson
Building with 100 blocks!
Can you chew a Starburst 100 chews before swallowing?
100 Fruit loops necklace!
How many licks does it take to reach the center of a Tootsie Pop?
At Townsend, it’s not the just the kids who like to celebrate 100s Day :) Our staff like to have some fun too!
about 5 years ago, Jamie Stanley
100s Day at Townsend was enjoyed by all today!! There was so much energy, fun and laughter all day!
about 5 years ago, Jamie Stanley
Our 5th graders celebrated their 1000th day of school!!!
about 5 years ago, Heather Swaenepoel
1000 day