Our Jayhawks are ready for a great week at school!
Links to the four calendars for our district. Some of the old links were working. Copy each url and then paste the url into your calendar. https://docs.google.com/document/d/157-FrQ2BSHOybTO3ITjsskJGzuJ5YePgqBYwfiWv-NY/edit?usp=sharing
Support our community. Free Ice cream social at the Lions Club today from 2-5.
We love when teachers support other teachers! Ms. Casto wrote a grant for classroom items for Mrs. Smith’s pre-K classroom and it was fully funded today! We were lucky to surprise her this afternoon!
PBIS kickoff was a success!!
Our 4th graders are already diving into good books!!
Click on the link below to access the urls for our District, Townsend, MS/HS and Athletic online calendars. They are best viewed on the free Google Calendar App.
Showing off some of the great bulletin boards at Townsend.
Small School,
Big Opportunities!
Discover what our community school can provide to your child. Visit VandySchools.org for more information.
The first day of lunch at Townsend! #BelieveAchievSOAR!
We are still accepting applications for Our Pre School program. School begins on Sept 9
Students in 5th grade are writing letters to themselves to be opened at the end of the year.
Townsend Elementary First Day of School pictures SOAR on M-Live! #BelieveAchieveSOAR! https://www.mlive.com/news/jackson/2019/08/bells-ring-on-first-day-of-school-across-jackson-county.html
Sign up for Youth Volleyball - Grades 2-6
K, 1st, 2nd Cheer Clinic Update
Youth Cheerleading forms in the Townsend office for grades 3,4,5,6 sideline cheer! Registration closes on Tuesday August 27. Forms/full payment can be turned into Townsend office in an envelope marked youth cheer!
NOTE- Registration forms are only for grades 3,4,5,6.
We apologize for the delay in the buses today. Construction on the roads is limiting our routes and creating delays. Please take note that delays are expected for the reminder of the week. Thank you for your understanding and patience. Believe. Achieve. Soar!
Off to a great start to the new school year. #BelieveAchieveSOAR!
What an incredible open house tonight! Thank you to all community partners who came and a special thanks to JFM for all the activities brought!