We are thankful for every student, staff, and family in our school! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving break!
over 5 years ago, Jamie Stanley
Congratulations to the 2 winners from the Fall Festival who got to make cookies with me! It was so much fun talking with you girls and getting messy 😊🎉♥️
over 5 years ago, Joy Johnson
The finished trays with more than 12 cookies each!!
Lets get messy!!!
Our November book has been ABSOLUTELY amazing!! We read it together and tomorrow we finish our final chapter in "The Chocolate Touch"! What a great way to finish November and have family time at Thanksgiving than with a book that teaches us to think of others! ♥️
over 5 years ago, Joy Johnson
"The Chocolate Touch"
A Downtown Jackson Christmas Parade tradition: The Mighty Jayhawks Matching Band.
over 5 years ago, Vandercook Lake Public Schools
the band getting ready for the parade
Always the first band out of the gate
There is still time to go to tonight's downtown Jackson Christmas parade and see the Vandercook Lake marching band in action. Go Jayhawks
over 5 years ago, Vandercook Lake Public Schools
Silver iPhone found. Contact office for details if yours.
over 5 years ago, Jamie Stanley
1:30pm and students still engaged!!! Believe Achieve Soar
over 5 years ago, Jason Tello
1:30pm and students still engaged!!! #BelieveAchieveSoar...
There will be an open gym for girls basketball in grades 6,7, and 8 this Sunday from 5pm-6:30pm. This will take place in the HS gym.
over 5 years ago, Amanda Curtis
Apple pie pick up will be tomorrow November 23rd, in the HS cafeteria from 10am-2pm!
over 5 years ago, Amanda Curtis
5th Grade Veteran’s Day concert did not disappoint! Great job, Mrs. Barrett!
over 5 years ago, Jamie Stanley
Found silver boys bike. If lost please contact Townsend with a description! Thanks!
over 5 years ago, Shelley Mannor
Mrs. Schirmacher’s room was “gobbled” today! Thank you to the cafeteria staff!
over 5 years ago, Shelley Mannor
Gobble Gobble!
What we are thankful for: Nov 18
over 5 years ago, Jamie Stanley
Pictures of last night's Regional Finals complements of J-TV. Great season Volleyball Jayhawks! https://jtv.tv/mhsaa-division-3-volleyball-regional-at-leslie-vandercook-lake-vs-hudson-11-14-19-photo-gallery/ #BelieveAchieveSOAR!
over 5 years ago, Vandercook Lake Public Schools
An office divided today!!!
over 5 years ago, Jamie Stanley
Mr. Spaan was set up by his 4th graders!
over 5 years ago, Jamie Stanley
UM/State Day is always a fun day of rivalry!
over 5 years ago, Jamie Stanley
Throwback Thursday to McDevitt 1973-74 5th grade!
over 5 years ago, Shelley Mannor
Throwback Thursday!
Update to bus 27 they are now loading on two busses and will be departing Townsend in a couple minutes. Thank you for your patience!
over 5 years ago, Shelley Mannor
Bus 27 is running late. It has not yet arrived at Townsend to pick up the elementary students. They are waiting patiently with adult supervision in our gym. We will keep you posted on how long the delay will be. Thank you for your patience!
over 5 years ago, Shelley Mannor