Memorial Day is an American holiday that honors the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military. Vandercook Lake Public Schools wish to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our great Nation.

Watch today's Bart Hawley Show where our own Maesyn Hynes will be interviewed as Vandercook Lake's Senior Spotlight representative. Congratuations Maesyn, well deserved.

Townsend Preschool- Apply today! ☺️

Jayhawk Class of 2020: Celebrate your graduation with the Nation. #GraduateTogether Saturday, May 16th @ 8 pm on ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX
visit https://graduatetogether2020.com/ for more details. #BeleiveAchieveSOAR!

Fun on Zoom today in Mrs. Johnson's second grade! We drew houses on paper but the catch was, you had to draw while the paper was on your head!!! We had such a blast looking at each other's drawings! Can't wait for next week!

One last look at our Class of 2020 as 5th graders at Townsend! We love you all and wish you great success in life! ❤️

Class of 2020 fondly remembered at Townsend! Go Seniors! Believe Achieve Soar!

It has been reported that our District's families are starting to receive their P-EBT cards as a result of our District's CEP status (free breaksfast/lunch for all students). The State has not provided guidance on how these are being rolled out, so please be patient.

Making memories with our preschool students while making silly faces! Yay for zoom meetings!

Teachers are the backbone of every community, state and nation. Thank you to all teachers especially the teachers at Vandercook Lake Public Schools. You are yhe everyday heros that makes the difference in our students lives. #BelieveAchieveSOAR!

Happy Teacher’s Appreciation Day to all of our wonderful educators throughout Jayhawk Nation! It takes a village, and we’re so grateful you’re apart of ours! ❤️☺️

Information to participate in Vandercook Lake's May 11th Virtual Board of Education meeting starting at 6 pm.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 970 6694 5729
Password: 8E6094

The many faces of Mrs. Johnson during quarantine lessons! Dressing up for ELA and math lessons makes learning fun and so much more engaging! Zoom meeting scavenger hunts, check-in circle time, and so much more! We can still have a great time no matter where we may be!!!

Congrats to our own Deputy Collins.

With our Governor's Executive Order 2020-48, which extends the 'Stay home, stay safe' mandate, Vandercook Lake's May 11th Regular Board Meeting will be held virtually. Login details for public participation will be posted in the near future.

The High School Student Council wants the Vandercook Lake Community to know they are missing all our Jayhawks and that we are all in this together. #BelieveAchieveSOAR!

Food Resource Information from MDHHS. Go Jayhawks!

Mental Health Tip of the Day: Talk to your child about mental health. Here is a quick read article that outlines talking to your child about mental health from preschool to high school. Check it out. https://tinyurl.com/yao9vecp

Townsend’s Virtual Learning Hub is now active. The hub is located on both the District and Townsend webpages. This hub will direct you to the teacher’s page and resources they are providing! Go Jayhawks!