Fifth graders in Mr. Kouba and Mrs. Salenbien‘s class rooms are investigating what earth worms prefer: light or darkness. Ask your students today what their conclusions were.
over 3 years ago, Jamie Stanley
Fifth graders in Mr. Kouba and Mrs. Salenbien‘s class rooms are investigating what earth worms prefer: light or darkness. Ask your students today what their conclusions were.
over 3 years ago, Jamie Stanley
Fifth graders in Mr. Kouba and Mrs. Salenbien‘s class rooms are investigating what earth worms prefer: light or darkness. Ask your students today what their conclusions were.
over 3 years ago, Jamie Stanley
VCL: District text messages will soon be coming from a 98900 number. In the first message, will be an option to opt-out of future texts. DO NOT opt-out if you are listed as a contact for one of our students. Opting out will result in you missing all emergency notifications.
over 3 years ago, Vandercook Lake Public Schools
Never Forget
over 3 years ago, Scott Leach
never forget
Today Mrs. Johnson's class embarked on a new type of learning in math called Modern Classroom! All kids move through the lessons at their own pace! It was amazing!!
over 3 years ago, Joy Johnson
Modern Classroom underway!
Good Evening, Jayhawk families, There is no school on Monday, Sept 6. Please remember to be very aware of your surroundings during drop off and pick up in the back parking lots and keep your speed below 10 mph. Follow the drop off routes and please stay with your child until a staff member is present and the doors open at 8:15am. Also, if your child is not feeling well, please keep them home. Please continue to monitor for common COVID symptoms. If you notice symptoms, or if they have been exposed to a positive Covid case, have your child tested before returning them to school. We want to make sure everyone stays safe and healthy :) Finally, please remember to send in your child with a labeled water bottle. It’s cooling down outside, but it’s still warm inside and they need to keep hydrated. Thank you. Go Jayhawks!
over 3 years ago, Jamie Stanley
Last chance to sign up for our youth volleyball clinic is tonight! If you’d like to sign up, email Jen Leach at or by text/call 734.790.4320! Go Jayhawks!
over 3 years ago, Vandercook Lake Public Schools
Families. We are so excited to be offering a Head Start Program this year! Please see the flier for details.
over 3 years ago, Jamie Stanley
Townsend Families-Smiles on Wheels coming to Townsend next week. Be on the lookout for paperwork coming home this week with your student.
over 3 years ago, Shelley Mannor
Smiles on wheels
over 3 years ago, Vandercook Lake Public Schools
Mrs. Johnson's 2nd graders practicing work on writing!
over 3 years ago, Joy Johnson
Work on writing time!
Work on writing time!
Work on writing time!
Work on writing time!
More of Mrs. Johnson's 2nd graders playing "Addition BUMP!"
over 3 years ago, Joy Johnson
BUMP game
BUMP game
BUMP game
Mrs. Johnson's 2nd graders having fun together playing the math game "Addition BUMP!"
over 3 years ago, Joy Johnson
BUMP game
BUMP game
BUMP game
BUMP game
A friendly reminder that JFM (one of our great community partners) holds a monthly mobile food pantry on the 4th Saturday of each month. Thx JFM for all you do for the Jayhawk Nation and our surrounding neighbors. #BelieveAchieveSOAR!
over 3 years ago, Vandercook Lake Public Schools
food pantry info
Jayhawk Nation: Changes to student release times for the first three days of school due to anticipated excessive heat. Wednesday, August 25th: MS/HS - 11 am, Townsend - 12:05pm Thursday, August 26th/Friday, August 27th: MS/HS 12:20 pm, Townsend 1 pm.
over 3 years ago, Vandercook Lake Public Schools
Early Release times for Aug. 25,26,and 27
Townsend's Open House is in full swing, come on out and join the fun! Food, registration, bus information, clubs and activities!
over 3 years ago, Scott Leach
open house
open house
Jayhawk Nation: please consider getting the COVID-19 vaccine for anyone 12 years of age and older.
over 3 years ago, Vandercook Lake Public Schools
‼️🆘‼️ We are in desperate need of 3-4+ volunteers to work the 2-6pm shift at the bingo tent at the fair on Friday. If you can help, we have gate passes to get you into the fair🎡🎠 Without more help we won't be able to stay open which may risk us being able to keep this contract in the future. Volunteers must be 18 years of age or older (because it IS gambling). Please comment below if you can help the boosters out. You don't have to have a student at VCL to volunteer!
over 3 years ago, Amanda Curtis
bat signal
Our Vandercook Lake Athletic Boosters needs your support!🍿🎡The fair is well under way and bingo is the place to be!!🎠🍧 🕙Today we are open until 10pm 🕙Wednesday noon to 10pm 🕙Thursday noon to 10pm 🕙Friday to 2pm to 10pm 🕙Saturday 10am to 10pm 💰We have winner takes all at 3, 5, 7 and 9pm and we have pull tabs to play in between or during your bingo card games!!🎫 Come support our athletic department by playing some bingo and even sign up to work a shift... we still need workers! Contact Booster secretary Kelly Dahn to get on the volunteer list!
over 3 years ago, Amanda Curtis