See attached communication for cell phone use

Free Breakfast & Lunch at Vandercook Lake Schools.

Open House Information. Aug 16, 5-6:30

Don't forget about registration and 7th grade orientation tomorrow!

Welcome back announcement

Enjoy this fun book to get ready for the new school year!

Attention all incoming 7th graders!

Don't miss MSHS registration next week!

The Band Booster meeting on 8/10 will be rescheduled for 8/30 at 6:30pm in the band room at the high school. All are welcome.

Don't miss out on our annual block party!!!

District Calendar 2022-2023

Join our Jayhawk family!
Vandercook Lake School of Choice application is now available. Link: https://forms.gle/RsY8mfZ9fCZSHMHD8

Sports Physical Day August 4th!
Forms available online or at the school.
Link: https://www.mhsaa.com/portals/0/Documents/health%20safety/physical2page.pdf

Parents don't forget to pick up your 7 day meal bag today Tuesday, July 26th! Students do not need to be present. Pickup is from 5:00pm-6:00pm at the MS/HS. First come first serve.

Please help us help one of our Jayhawk families in our community as they go through this very difficult time.

Parents don't forget to pick up your 7 day meal bag tomorrow Tuesday, July 19th! Students do not need to be present. Pickup is from 5:00pm-6:00pm at the MS/HS. Last week, we ran out in 12 mins, we are doubling our quantity for this week. First come first serve.

Superintendent Search update: A community member in-person meeting will be held July 19th in the high school media center at 5:00 p.m. for any one interested in sharing what they would like to see in the next Superintendent.

Please take a few minutes to give us your opinion regarding the qualities, experiences and skills that you would like to see in the district's next superintendent. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/vandercooklakesearch

Get signed up for Football Youth Camp coming up! MS/HS office hours Tues & Thurs 9am-2pm, Wed 9am-5pm.

Superintendent Search update: A parent virtual meeting will be held July 15th for any one interested in sharing what they would like to see in the next Superintendent. 11:00 a.m. https://jcisd-org.zoom.us/j/83801007308?pwd=NjZwSlJSVGtYV3M5NVFSWitFVWxoQT09