Varsity Volleyball defeats Quincy 2-0. Next up is a quality Hudson Tiger team. Go Jayhawks! #BelieveAchieveSOAR!

1st Graders moving their bodies while practicing teamwork and perseverance during Brain Break on a beautiful day!

Deputy Jakkolaa -Working for a Cause, not Applause.... Vandy says Thank You!

First chemistry lab of the year in Mr. Jacobson's class.

Who's ready for some middle school football?! Here is the schedule for the 2019-20 season for 7th & 8th grade football: Sept.11th @ Springport; Sept. 18th HOME; September 25th @ Springport; Oct. 2nd HOME; Oct. 9th @ East Jackson;Oct. 16th HOME; Oct. 23rd @ Concord. Go Jayhawks!

Don't forget about the Student Section car wash today from 4pm-6pm in the high school parking lot! For a donation of $5, your car can be squeaky clean and ready for the weekend! #jayhawkstudentsection #vandypride

MS/HS picture day is tomorrow!! Order forms are available in the high school office.

Here are the announcements for today for the MS/HS:

Our new All American Heptathlete Kindergarten Teacher Mr. Smith enjoying recess with his students!!!

Townsend Elementary is off to a great start this morning. Go Jayhawks! #BelieveAchieveSOAR!

Jayhawk Nation, there is the potential for severe weather today. Be careful. #Believe.Achieve.SOAR!

Support our student section at their car wash! Wednesday, September 4 from 4-6PM in the high school parking lot. Just $5! Go Jayhawks!

Seniors & Parents don't forget about Financial Aid Night coming on October 2nd!

Varsity Football is in FULL SWING!! We will be offering a spectator bus for the following games:9/13/,9/27,and 10/18! Cost to ride the bus to the game will be $1 and when you get back on the bus to return to school, you will get your $1 back! Sign up will be in the front office

Donations from the car wash are going to support student section supplies! The car Wash will take place on Wednesday from 4-6 pm!

Ms. Higgin's class starting the week off with a new book.

Mrs. Flippin's class sharing what they did over the weekend. Very impressed with the listening should that were being used. #BelieveAchieveSOAR!

Off to a great start after the Labor Day weekend. #BelieveAchieveSOAR!

Wishing everyone in the Jayhawk Nation a safe and relaxing Labor Day. #BelieveAchieveSOAR

Teamwork makes the dream work!