Congratulations to all of our winter athletes! Our sports award banquet was packed! We love our Jayhawks!!! ❤️🤍

Some of our Vandy students participated in Meet the Guard and learned about the opportunities the National Guard can provide them. They interacted with a variety of National Guard personnel and equipment.

14u Baseball & Softball Registration going on now!

High School Spring Sports practices begin this week. Let's go Jayhawks!

The Vandercook Lake Public Schools Board of Education Meeting Agenda for 3.12.25 is below. The meeting will be held at 5:30pm in the high school library.

This little cutie and Ms Stanley go live on JTV at 1:15! Tune in!

This Friday is popcorn day!!! Here is a little "sweet" incentive from Mrs. Benjamin and myself!

Townsend Weekly Announcements:

Happy birthday 🎉🎉

Jayhawks don't forget this weekend is the start of Daylight saving time! Time to spring forward!!

Friday 5 Super Star winners!

5th and 6th grade math students created displays to demonstrate their knowledge of adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions and converting improper fractions to mixed numbers.

High School Band Festival @ Manchester High School. Tonight, March 7th @ 5:45pm. Arrive early so you can get in to watch them perform.

The students in Ms Simpson's 1st & 2nd grade class LOVED this book. In one part of the book, the characters had a debate to determine whether or not Pluto should be (re)considered a planet (& allowed back into the Solar System). The students cast their vote. Then, the next day, they voted to decide who won the debate. "Y" meant "Yes", that Pluto was back! As you can see, We ❤️ Pluto ( to quote the book).
We also ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ reading!!!

Dress like Harry Potter Day was a lot of fun. The kids loved their Harry Potter glasses!

Mrs. Johnson's and Mrs. Benjamin's 2nd graders on Dress Like a Wizard and Read Like Harry Potter Day! The glasses were a hit!!!

Guess who is featured in this week's edition of The Exponent? Get your copy at the Vandy Dollar General. The Exponent will be covering Vandercook Lake again. We're excited for this partnership!

Thank you to HS student council and Mr. Baird/Ms. Spaulding for serving lunch to teachers before parent teacher conference. HS student council wanted to thank staff for their efforts. Proud to be a Jayhawk!

Direct Asphalt is laying down millings today at Townsend to help cover the dirt road. District-wide paving should start up in 6-8 weeks! (2019 Sinking Fund)

At Townsend, we have a daycare! :) Ms. Stanley loves to see her kids on a walk!!! They love her, too!