Our Seniors make us proud!
The Blood Drive is going on today!! There are a few time slots still open, if you haven't signed up or registered yet, please do so here: https://donate.michigan.versiti.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/159622 Location: Vandercook Lake MS Cafeteria Date: Tuesday May 7th Time: 11am to 4pm **Vandercook Lake School is giving away a FREE T-SHIRT with every donation!!**
Our Seniors are going places!
Jayhawk Pride!
Senior Shout Out!
Our Seniors make us proud!
Our Seniors make us proud!
Blood Drive tomorrow, May 7th!! Click here to schedule: https://donate.michigan.versiti.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/159622 Location: Vandercook Lake MS Cafeteria Date: Tuesday May 7th Time: 11am to 4pm **Vandercook Lake School is giving away a FREE T-SHIRT with every donation!!**
May Lunch Menus. Happy Spring!!
For printable versions use link: https://www.vandyschools.org/page/food-services
Senior Pride!
We're proud of our Seniors!
Vandy Senior Shout Out!
It's almost time for prom! If you are in need of a dress or suit, our Jayhawk Exchange is busting at the seams with prom attire!
What blood type are you? Find out when you donate!! Select a time that works best for you and donate next Tuesday, May 7th! Click here to schedule: https://donate.michigan.versiti.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/159622
Location: Vandercook Lake MS Cafeteria
Date: Tuesday May 7th
Time: 11am to 4pm
**Vandercook Lake School is giving away a FREE T-SHIRT with every donation!!**
We love our Seniors!
Senior Pride!
We're proud of our Seniors!
Vandercook Lake Senior Shout Out!
Attention!! All incoming 6th, 7th, and 8th graders interested in sideline cheerleading...see info below in flier.
Vandercook Lake High School Summer Credit Recovery registration going on now.
Link: https://forms.gle/2gs4w1eRq8TCsScc8