Once a Jayhawk, always a Jayhawk! Happy to introduce our new MSHS social worker!
over 2 years ago, Amanda Curtis
Don't miss out on our annual block party!!!
over 2 years ago, Amanda Curtis
District Calendar 2022-2023
over 2 years ago, Melissa Bradfield
District Calendar 22-23
Last minute reminder- Athletic Booster meeting in the HS Library at 7pm (8/1/22).
over 2 years ago, Melissa Bradfield
HS Cross Country practice begins next week! You MUST have an up to date physical on file to participate.
over 2 years ago, Amanda Curtis
Athletic Booster Meeting on Monday, August 1st at 7pm in the HS Library. We’ll be finalizing Bingo Tent and Community Block Party details as well as nominating/electing Booster Board members. All are welcome.
over 2 years ago, Melissa Bradfield
It's not too late to get your copy of this past year's yearbook! MS yearbooks are $10 each HS yearbooks are $40 each These can be picked up at the HS office between 8am-3pm.
over 2 years ago, Amanda Curtis
Mark your calendar with these important upcoming dates!
over 2 years ago, Amanda Curtis
Welcome to our Jayhawk family!
over 2 years ago, Amanda Curtis
Welcome to the MSHS Ms. Lenhart!
over 2 years ago, Amanda Curtis
Welcome to the MSHS Mrs. Britton!
over 2 years ago, Amanda Curtis
Welcome to our Vandy family!
over 2 years ago, Amanda Curtis
Meet some of Vandy's newest staff!
over 2 years ago, Amanda Curtis
Join our Jayhawk family! Vandercook Lake School of Choice application is now available. Link: https://forms.gle/RsY8mfZ9fCZSHMHD8
over 2 years ago, Donna LeFaive
Sports Physical Day August 4th! Forms available online or at the school. Link: https://www.mhsaa.com/portals/0/Documents/health%20safety/physical2page.pdf
over 2 years ago, Donna LeFaive
Parents don't forget to pick up your 7 day meal bag today Tuesday, July 26th! Students do not need to be present. Pickup is from 5:00pm-6:00pm at the MS/HS. First come first serve.
over 2 years ago, Amber Castle
Don’t forget about our Athletic Booster meeting at 7pm tonight. We moved it to the library (air conditioning!)
over 2 years ago, Melissa Bradfield
The MS/HS is getting some fresh paint, shiny wax, and air conditioning in the gym. We are also planning some terrific new electives our students will LOVE! We can’t wait to have these halls full again this fall! #JayhawkPride
over 2 years ago, Melissa Bradfield
Please help us help one of our Jayhawk families in our community as they go through this very difficult time.
over 2 years ago, Amanda Curtis
house fire
Can you believe that July is almost over?! We miss our students!! Here are upcoming dates that you might want to mark on your calendar as the first day of school is quickly approaching. We can't wait to see all of you soon!
over 2 years ago, Amanda Curtis