Join us tonight for our Homecoming game!
5:30PM Senior football & band honors
6:00PM Game begins
Coronation at halftime!
Congratulations, Mrs. Dawn Knight! She was nominated and selected as Walton Insurance Group Teacher of the Month and will be featured on their website and on JTV’s Bart Hawley Show in November. In addition to the trophy, she’ll also receive a $200 gift card. Thank you for all you do, Mrs. Knight! Your Jayhawk family loves you!
What a fun packed day! Themed dress-up day, pep assembly, parade, food trucks, punt pass and kick finals, and homecoming dance. Thank you to everyone that helped pull all these events off today. It’s a great day to be a Jayhawk!!
Tonight's the night! Join us for our parade and then head to the the parking lot by the bus garage for dinner from some of Jackson's favorite food trucks! Make an evening of it and stay to watch our Punt, Pass, and Kick at 6:30!
Friday festivities!!
MS/HS, we are on assembly schedule tomorrow, AM Career Center students will be released at 10AM and the PM Career Center students at 1:30.
We love our lunch staff!
Varsity Cheerleaders decorating the halls for homecoming! Jayhawk Pride!
The MS/HS will be in session on Wednesday, 10/19/22. Our boiler was turned on this afternoon. Only Townsend is closed tomorrow.
It’s Senior Night for our Varsity Volleyball team and our last home game for the season! Go Jayhawks!
Attention Middle/High School Parents: Staff Safety Training is coming up! Please make sure your students ride the bus home or are picked up immediately after school on October 19th and November 2nd. Thank you.
Attention MS/HS parents: Progress reports, School pictures and Smiles on Wheels forms are coming home today with your student if you were unable to attend Parent Teacher Conferences. Thank you.
Track Coaches wanted for the upcoming Spring Season!
For more information check out our posting at:
Welcome to the Vandercook Lake family Kelcie Wilson!
Huge thank you to Brookside United Methodist Church for collecting canned and boxed goods for our Food Pantry. We appreciate your support!
We are sorry to announce Wednesday's home Middle School Football game was canceled by East Jackson. Congratulations to our Middle School football team for being undefeated this season!!
It's FAFSA time!
Happy to introduce Vandercook Lake's new superintendent, Mr. Tracey Lowder! It's a good day to be a Jayhawk!
Juniors, there will be a class meeting tomorrow in the library during lunch. We will discuss float building.
Get your homecoming T-Shirts limited supply. Sizes available: Youth Large - Adult X-Large. Advanced paid sales in the front office. $10 each.